What We Do

At Kamath Foundation, we're dedicated to making a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and communities. Our work spans various areas, each aimed at addressing critical social challenges and fostering positive change.

Education Access

Education is a fundamental right. We work to ensure that every individual, regardless of background, has access to quality education. From scholarship programs to educational infrastructure development, we're committed to unlocking the potential of future generations.

Community Empowerment

We believe in the power of community-led initiatives. Through strategic partnerships and grassroots efforts, we empower communities to address local challenges and create sustainable solutions.

Dhani Rehab Centre

We manage the Dhani Rehab Centre, which is exclusively devoted to de-addiction for substance abuse. Through comprehensive rehabilitation programs, counseling, and support services, we help individuals overcome addiction and reclaim their lives.

Empowering with education, healthcare, sustainability, and addiction recovery.

At Kamath Foundation, our commitment to social impact drives everything we do. Together with our partners, supporters, and volunteers, we're working towards a brighter, more equitable future for all.